This is a FREEWARE release version of SpaceWar, an arcade style game for one or two players.
In SpaceWar each player, attempts to destroy the other by blasting him with energy torpedos. While avoiding the various hazzards common in a space arcade game.
Rendered graphics! One and Two Player Mode!
Asynchronous Sound! User Configurable Controls!
Fast Animation! Many Game Options!
Each ship has a Damage and Power monitor at the top of the screen. Using Thrust and Firing Torpedos uses up your energy. Being hit by Torpedos causes damage to your ship. When your ship takes damage you will notice that Power is restored more slowly and Damage is repaired more slowly. Also the controls of your ship will get more "sluggish" as you take damage. The game continues until the mouse button is "clicked". There is no "score".
SpaceWar will run in 2, 16, or 256 colors/greys, though 256 colors is best looking and fastest. SpaceWar requires Color Quickdraw.
* SpaceWar is know to have problems running on some POWERBOOKS. It has trouble dealing with LCD screens. If you have an external RGB monitor, it should run fine.
SpaceWar was developed on a Mac IIsi under System 7.1 with a 13"RGB monitor, and may have problems running on other equipment or with earlier versions of the System. It has been tested on a PowerPC and a Mac IICi.
If you have a problem running SpaceWar on your Mac please send me a Bug report.
A Bug Report should include:
Your name (and return address)
Mac Tye
Monitor Type
System Version
What happens?
Is this a "fatal" bug? (does SpaceWar crash? Does your Mac crash?)